In addition to the Canon Gospels which utilize the ancient Codex Sinaiticus along with other ancient sources, the Lost Gospels of Jesus contains the oldest known lost Gospel manuscripts found buried in the Middle East and elsewhere in antiquity. These translations provide a fresh perspective of the teachings of Jesus from scriptural sources in plain English. See the introduction for more information on these translations.
- Introduction to the Lost Gospels of Jesus
- Gospel of Matthew
- Gospel of Mark
- Gospel of Luke
- Gospel of John
- Gospel of Thomas
- Gospel of Mary
- Gospel of Philip
- Gospel of Peter (Fragment)
- Gospel of Truth
- Gospel of James
- Secret Gospel of James
- Gospel of James the Grieving
- Letter of Peter to Philip
- The Wisdom of Jesus
- Book of Thomas the Contender
- The Acts of Peter and the Twelve Messengers
- Epistles of John
- Didache: The Teaching
- Dialogue of the Savior
- The Unknown Gospel
- Gospel of the Ebionites
- The Authoritative Teaching
- The Treatise on Resurrection
- The Revelation of Peter